

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hall of a Experience of the years. I need to "thank you" all.

I always think about what I will be doing in next 3-4 years. When I was working in Malaysia, I was somewhat awake for what I will be doing after going back home. I partly wanted to work in Malaysia if the facility for staff expenses increment and partly thinking about working in Nepal with the experience gained from Malaysia. It was hell of a good experience.

Everyone back home use to say me like you have reached moon not in Malaysia. I 've became talkative due to definition stuck in my throat about the environment of Malaysia all the time like its mine.

I do not exactly think I will do this kind of work but rather I think to do that kind of work when I used to talk with friends from factories. I always share them motivation and how to ask for the rights of the worker when they told me that factory is not giving their wages in time.

Sometimes  I think after my completing my contract I would go back to Nepal and help labor get their rights to make them understand their deeds for Nation in exchange for sacrifice living with their family almost unwanted. Our nation's revenue is remittance depended in foreign employee. Without it more than 50% of family will escape of hard to get a meal per day.

Due to young people look for job in foreign country there is only left old people and women in villages of Nepal. The cities population is increasing for 6 fold by 5 years without proper infrastructure like water, electricity and sanitation. Remote area is almost emptied during maoist civil war insurgency. Rural area consist of more than 90% area of Nepal and totally depend in farming. There is only 3-5% of industry in rural area where as urban area totally consume foreign goods and had not more than 5% of industrial area than in whole country. We are in verse of import country than exporting nature.

If our country political system only guarantee of not hamper public sovereign. I can see future pattern of Nepal is something you can say when things gone right unexpectedly awesome!!

Well now a days there is nuclear family planning but this is different than others. They can visit their family like once in 2 to 3 years. Some are working continuously for more than 8 years without meeting their family once. Its really hard work they have to do over there and health insurance is poor than any other country for Nepal due to government policy being loose.

Back in Malaysia I use to think about that but do not have any plans till now. If I have to set the performance until now. I am in same level as I was before in setting my own career and goals. How I am going to understand my own feelings that I should be doing? How are nation labor rights going to develop and how can I be involve in this kind of work to help the nation's development policy?
First of all I have tried to understand Nepal political system. Because after 2 years many things had changed in Nepal. The changes are not analytical or accountably good in nature as it had established and did things different in implementing phase. It has loosen rights of people lacking Public awareness by increasing taxes which influence market product without increase in any kind of recreational things and growth of nation.

Tax had increased 1.5 fold and so did the market product of everything for 2 fold. What???
I have always to be surprise to hear and see the changes things like that until I got habit of understand the nature of Nepali people's merciful situation. But before I was to think about how the people are surviving in this kind of worst situation led down by the government. I have to think people for a while too. How are they managing their daily routing without giving pressure to government? What might happen to them are they abandoned from city and alienated?

While I was in Malaysia, fuel price rise to 0.45 RM in the midst of liquidation of many company in 2009. The affected organization and company people manage their time to go rally against price hike. After 3 days government felt pressurize to decrease fuel price. However Government have to rise subsidies to school bus in counting figures. All were benefitted.

Our country people were pressurized by maoist government for indirect nature. I secure and all secure kind of things.

Now after 2 years I am here again like I was to think before that I would be somewhere but will not be in same place in Malaysia doing same kind of work again.

Leaning back and thinking about the performance and achievement by me in resulting figure not in good progress. I still haven't start over yet. Because I was just about to start again and again.
Now I have to say to myself I have to do what I meant to do without hesitation, without scare that people think that was wrong, wrong only their traditional culture in midst next to modern thinker.

What I have to say to them is you change your culture according to the changing nature of the environment like mountain, springs, rivers and ice caps. It is difficult to find what you look for 2 years ago. Because it is we who is responsible for what we had done when we should be doing something else like having fun for establishing constitution. It is we who are always stir and involve in it.

Now not only me but all have to fix some standard for doing things for living so that the performance can be measurable and fruitful.

Thank You.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Map of Nepal

Ratnapark<<<<<------->>>>A Rainapark.

The crowd chanting and shouting. "Wholesale! wholesale!! trouser for Rs. 160." another man at a row "T-shirt for 160," next one on the row "Towel for Rs 160." Wait a minute, child's trouser to men's T-shirt for Rs 160 only. A row with selling of stuff in Rs. 160 only. And another row with stuff for Rs 190 only. What a variety of chinese goods also that do not have any guarantee for sure. And there comes ice-cream for Rs 5. That place is full of surprise and variety of cheap gods.
I feel at the time, Ratnapark is like duty free zone. What could not be found? Everything you name could be found. From hair oil to perfume, samosha to cart food in open environment. The cool air in summer due to trees and bushes one could rest whole day for free.

Well outside in the pedestrian area there is chasing going around by metropolitan police like they are not giving any ticket to new entrants for shop. Seeing that atmosphere one could say crazy people of Ratnapark???

Leaders of Nation


1. He get limited time to complete his entire project work.
2. He got to satisfy almost all the entire citizen.
3. He is selected in open competition.
4. His best ideas may turn to be worst when his decision is implement.
5. Work simulation analysis to carry out before the work is started to done.
6. There should be engagement of community to valid the decision.